Monday, 24 November 2014

Completed: Seamus & Copycat

Thanks to the A Wyrd Place group on Facebook running a painting challenge for November, I finally managed to finish my first Malifaux crew master. Seamus (cross between the Mad Hatter and Jack the Ripper) being my master of choice.

Monday, 10 November 2014

Work in Progress: Noise Marines and PanOceania

It's been far too long since I've posted an update and I've been a little busy with the Bolter & Chainsword 'Call of Chaos' event. I've finally started to paint my Slaanesh Noise Marines but where I plane to do each one different I've decided to paint them in twos rather than the whole unit. So far so good.

Saturday, 27 September 2014

Work in Progress: Noise Marines & Chaos Spawn

Hobby time has been hit by that curse known as "new job syndrome", but I've managed a small amount of progress on my Noise Marine squad and Chaos spawn.

Monday, 8 September 2014

New Projects: More 40k Slaanesh

Here I go again with more brightly painted members for my Divine Flayers, Warhammer 40k Slaanesh warband. This time I'm finally going for a troop selection and it has to be some Noise Marines.
Champion & Chainsword wielders

Sunday, 24 August 2014

New Projects: Malifaux, Infinity, and more...

Ok, so not all strictly new projects as I started the Malifaux project at the same time as my Orc. So I may as well start off with my current position with Seamus and the Copycat Killer for my Malifaux crew.

Wednesday, 20 August 2014

Completed: Orc Shaman (Nazgob)

Have to admit that this little project has been fun for a fair few reason. Finally getting round to painting one of the best Orc miniatures Brian Nelson ever sculpted. Building up a base using a socket for the first time ever. Experimenting with materials like soil, lentils, and blister foam to create look of the base. Trying to desaturate colours (which I will be sure to try again) and try to get a more natural finish.

Friday, 15 August 2014

Work in Progress: Orc Shaman goes for another session

Finally! There's not much worse to mess with your painting time than a family week away. So now that's over I managed to get some more paint added.

Saturday, 2 August 2014

Work in Progress: Orc Shaman gets more paint

Welcome back. I've made enough progress to warrant an update I feel so I won't bore you with the black and white and get stuck in.

Wednesday, 30 July 2014

Work in Progress: Orc Shaman gets some colour and a base

Hello again (or for the first time in which it should be welcome).

I've recently realised that when I paint my miniatures that my order of painting has changed a fair bit. I've started to base coat large parts of the miniature now, which is how I first learnt may moons ago, but the bigger change I've noticed is I now build and paint the base first. I used to always leave that till last, partly so I wouldn't get paint on it, but also because I didn't really enjoy it. Now, and this is completely due to blogs like Massive Voodoo (yes, I know, mentioning them again. Which if you have ever had me respond to a "how do I" question, MV is often my 'go to' source of amazing tutorials and ideas).

Saturday, 26 July 2014

Thoughts: Games Workshop Specialist Games

This has to be an area that has caused a lot of love to be lost with Games Workshop for me. Abandoning their Specialist Games lines.

Monday, 21 July 2014

New projects: Nazgob and Seamus in the starting blocks

It's that exciting time again. I've been thinking about it while finishing up my last miniature (which is always distracting and often causes me to not finish things properly).

Now this is more two separate projects as I couldn't completely decide. The first, and the one which has been distracting me the most, is the old Games Workshop (GW) Nazgob Orc shaman miniature which I have sitting in a box for more years than it should have.

Sunday, 20 July 2014

Completed: Slaanesh Stormsword

It's done and before the deadline for the Bolter & Chainsword E Tenebrae Lux III came around. Have to admit to being a little worried when I decided to paint my first ever super heavy tank as it's years since I painted anything so big, and years since I finished a tank. I had been donated an old Badger syphon feed airbrush so I wasn't too worried about the size of the thing. That and making it look like a recent addition to my Divine Flayers Slaanesh warband.

First session happened. But the airbrush didn't so it was all down to the trusty hairs and bristles. And no weathering powders were used either. Hope you like it.

'Soul Flayer' (formerly the 'Extremis')

Thursday, 10 July 2014

Thoughts: Hobby distractions

We all know it, we all suffer with it, we even have a term for it too. Hobby ADD. The cause of so many unfinished models and armies.

For a while now I've been able to concentrate and actually get some models finished. But lately it's getting tougher. With friends suggesting new game systems like Deadzone, or variations on Warhammer 40,000 like Kill Zone, Kill Team, and the one that I'm struggling to not dive into, Forge World's 'Horus Heresy' system.

Wednesday, 9 July 2014

Completed miniature: Kharn the Betrayer

Yet another update on my Bolter & Chainsword E Tenebrae Lux vow. This time I didn't do a Slaanesh themed miniature and also managed to finish the painting in around six hours. Which is fast for me.

Sunday, 6 July 2014

Work in progress: Stormsword gets some camo

I wasn't too sure whether or not to add a camouflage pattern to my Stormsword or not so tried the route of asking on a few forum posts. Needless to say that asking Astra Militarum (Imperial Guard to us older lot) love their camo and all said to do it. I was a little unsure as I wanted to get that slight dusty look you usually see on airbrushed armour. And with no working airbrush I didn't think I'd be happy with the result.

Wednesday, 2 July 2014

Work in progress: Stormsword gets a basecoat

The E Tenebrae Lux continues over at Bolter & Chainsword and my hopes of using the donated airbrush were dashed thanks to it being incapable of pulling the paint up the siphon. And that was with it being almost coloured water.

After an hour of fiddling around with the stone age Bagger (it has cork washers so must be almost antique) I gave up and just went crazy with the GW large drybrush I have. Didn't even use my favourite wet pallet. Old school wall tile for this beast. Glad I did too.

Tuesday, 1 July 2014

Hello and welcome to my blog and first ever post

Since the start of May this year I've been taking part in the E Tenebrae Lux III event on Bolter and Chainsword which puts the different Warhammer 40,000 power armour factions (and their Battle Brothers allies) up against each other to see who can paint the highest combined points worth of miniatures by August 1st. So far, Chaos has put the most points on the table but not the most painted and this is my chosen faction too.

So each person can make five Vows which can be any amount of points worth but must be codex legal and can only use WYSIWYG additions to wargear and weapons. You can only place one vow at a time and can't vow again until you complete your current vow. The catch though is that if you don not complete the current vow by the end date, all completed ones before are worth nothing. I went for an Ahriman counts as (seen as my sorcerer below is heavily based on his model) and a Forgefiend for a total of 430 points, which isn't very much but I'm a slow painter.

And here they are, completed. Which gives me the best part of a month to the deadline.

First up, Faustus 'the Licentious' Belatari.