Monday, 24 November 2014

Completed: Seamus & Copycat

Thanks to the A Wyrd Place group on Facebook running a painting challenge for November, I finally managed to finish my first Malifaux crew master. Seamus (cross between the Mad Hatter and Jack the Ripper) being my master of choice.

Was fun painting these two. Not too sure the green gives of the velvet look I was hoping for but I'm happy with the finish. Even broke out the sponge to give the leather 'Bag o'tools' a bit of texture. The skin I'm the most pleased with though as I tried out Vallejo Cork Brown for a base and used Vallejo Flat Flesh in the highlights too. Have to admit I prefer the look to the old tried and tested GW Dwarf and Elf flesh paints. Also slapped a bit of pigment on the bases which toned them down nicely, though I still have the fix them in place.

And here's a group shot of my completed crew members so far. Only taken about a year and a half.
Rotten Belle, Seamus, and Copycat Killer

In other news, the Noise Marines are still in progress, as is the Secret Santa which I can't post until after Christmas.

And then..

Massive Voodoo have announced their second their second painting contest which I plan to enter a few pieces. I don't have high hopes as the standard is likely to be sky high but I'm hoping it'll push me to improve my standards and try some new techniques.

And then...
Infamy launched their post KickStarter through BackerKit so if you (like myself) missed out on backing this and their outstanding miniatures. Now is your chance. But only until January 5th 2015. 

Thank you for dropping by and may your paints stay wet and brushes stay pointy.

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