Sunday, 24 August 2014

New Projects: Malifaux, Infinity, and more...

Ok, so not all strictly new projects as I started the Malifaux project at the same time as my Orc. So I may as well start off with my current position with Seamus and the Copycat Killer for my Malifaux crew.

I can safely say that after finally getting the rules (finally available as a digital copy), I'm looking forward to finally getting these on the table and attempting to cheat fate.

Another temptation soon to be on the table is the Infinity: Operation Icestorm starter set which looks fantastic. Which also looks to be an excellent skirmish system with high quality metal miniatures. Looks like I'll be taking on the side of PanOceania and took my first step by making the bases one night while my eyes were that bit too tired to paint. Two types of plasticard sheet (one plain and the other brick style) and some plasticard strip was all I used to keep it simple and very different to how I usually base. As usual with this hobby though, my grey primer ran out half way so here's them in the birthday suit.

Not really looking too Infinity like that but when painted in light greys (like seen in so many Anime) the should do the trick.

Very soon over at Bolter & Chainsword, there will hopefully be another Call of Chaos event which usually runs from mid October to mid January and is basically a way to encourage those using Chaos to get a couple of extra things painted for their army. So this time I'm thinking of finally getting my first Noise Marine squad at a Spawn or two built and painted. And by built I mean kitbashed and converted which is still an area I need to work on as it's not a strong area of mine. Here's some of what I'll be working with.
Selection of bits towards the Noise Marines
Noise Marine Champion and Blastmaster
Possible bits for Chaos Spawn
And as if that isn't enough for me (at my pace of painting), GW only went and split the Assassins off from the Inquisition which possibilities for Chaos. Yes please. So now I have a reason to paint my old metal Eversor and Vindicare Assassins (sorry about the picture quality.

So that's me for the time being. Well, apart from another exciting model coming my way but more on that another time. Until then, happy painting.

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