Well, 2014 was easily the year that got me back into painting. Hugely thanks to Bolter & Chainsword but also many other sites and people including Massive Voodoo, Michael and Painting Buddha, 'Eavier Metal on Facebook, and many other nutters I chat with on Facebook too. Receiving an invite to submit for the 2014 CMoN annual was a nice bit of icing for this Chaos Sorcerer too (though I do feel it's not really to that standard).
As for a couple of other miniatures I managed to complete towards the end of 2014 my favourite has to be this Nurgle Chaos Lord which I painted as a Secret Santa for a friend who has kept me supplied with bits over the past year.
Was good fun painting something dirty and rotten after using so many clean colours on my Slaanesh army, and playing around with the tentacle maker helped too (and I highly recommend investing in one). Also took my first dip into the use of pigments and very quickly bought a few more so I'll be using those on almost everything except my Slaanesh army (as I want to keep something consistent with them).
Speaking of which, I did manage to finish two Noise Marines. Which admittedly come from a squad of six which I planned to paint up along with a Chaos Spawn too. Best layed plans and all that.
On to this year, 2015, and so far I've been getting hooked on the Infinity rules which look excellent so hopefully I'll get some gaming done this year too. Model wise though, I've only got this far. So plenty to get on with.
There's also the Massive Voodoo Bananalicious painting competition which I plan to enter and have been bouncing ideas around with Jack Crow so us, and many others will be using it as a reason to push our skills and hopefully improve. Currently for it though I'm working on an old Blood Bowl Elf Cheerleader, doing her thing on the sidelines at a Orc stadium. So far so good but the Orcidas advertisement board is having it's way with me.
That's enough for now but thank you for getting this far and all the best with whatever project you are working on.
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